Authentic marketing

Authentic marketing is a set of strategies and tools that allow you to be yourself in business, to make good use of your strengths and to tailor your business to your needs. In doing so, you don’t have to resort to coercive techniques that get customers where you need them to go once, but don’t lead to repeat business.

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7 marketing tools for therapists

By |18. 9. 2024|Categories: Authentic marketing|

Sometimes I meet therapists who are short of clients. And much more often potential clients who are interested in therapy, but can't find a suitable therapist. The reason, I think, is primarily because most therapists do no marketing at all. That's why I've written up what tools can be used [...]

2024 10/8

Authentic business in practice

By |10. 8. 2024|Categories: Authentic marketing|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Most articles on authentic entrepreneurship (including mine) will tell you that you should set up your business on your terms. But they don´t specify what you should set up or how you should do it. So I've tried to write down some practical tips on what to get clear on, [...]

2024 20/5

What is Authentic marketing

By |20. 5. 2024|Categories: Authentic marketing|

Lately, I've been meeting two types of small business owners. One is inspired by the marketing strategy of large corporations and tries to reach as many people as possible, as automated as possible. Someone will catch on. The other tries to distance themselves from the mainstream. For them, marketing is [...]

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